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Blowing waves

Products Details

The wave pool is the most popular traditional item in water park. It creates an artificial environment of ocean waves. Artificial wave is a multi-disciplinary equipment that involves aerodynamics, wave mechanics, mechanics, electrical control systematics and alike. Considering that wave transfer is a process of energy diffusion and consumption, the pool is designed with large wave height and small area for deep water zone whereas small wave height and large area in shallow water zone while 1.5 to 1.8 m for the normal depth and the bottom slope less than 8%. The shape of the wave pool design is important because a good pool shape is conductive to wave resonance, dissemination and superimposition, thereby shaping waves. A wave stator creates waves in different sizes depending on the shape of pool.
The blasting wave mode uses high pressure blowers to shock water and form waves, which have 8 to 10 types. The highest wave can be up to 1.2 m, and the wave shape is formed by PLC controlling butter-fly valve. The essential devices are as follows: blowers, air supply pipeline, butter-fly valve, pneumatic system, air compressor, PLC programming and control cabinet.
